The staff of Coffee County Schools would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to each of our schools. For those of you who are entering our school system for the first time, we would like to extend a special welcome and invite you to become involved in school activities and programs throughout the year.


School rules published in this handbook are subject to changes as needed to insure continued compliance with federal, state, or local regulations and are subject to such review and alteration if necessary for the routine operation of the school.  Not all rules of behavior can be written and inserted in a guidebook; however, the district expects students to follow reasonable rules and not violate the rights of others. The policies, rules, and regulations shown in this handbook for Coffee County are regulatory in nature and are not to be construed to give rise to any substantive or vested rights.  The Board of Education, the superintendent, and the principal reserve the right to amend, suspend, repeal, modify, or revoke the policies, rules and regulations at any time as to any students or related persons without incurring any obligation with respect to the old or existing policy, rule, regulation, or administrative procedure. The ultimate administrative responsibility for the school is vested in the principal who must treat each situation, whether disciplinary or administrative, from the perspective of what is in the best interest of the individual student concerned, the other students in the school, and the ongoing educational mission of the school and of the Coffee County School System.

Grievance Coordinator-Principal

Sexual Harassment Investigator-Assigned Administrator

Equity Coordinator-Principal

Sports Equity Coordinator-Athletic Director


Complaint Procedures

The Coffee County School System has implemented complaint procedures that address complaints from parents, students, staff, private schools, and the general public for Title I, Part A; Title I, Part C; Title I, Part D; Title II, Part A; Title III, Part A; Title VI, Part B; the McKinney-Vento Act; School Improvement 1003(a) and 1003(g) (SIG); RT3 and Lowest Achieving Schools, if applicable.  The complaint procedures can be found on the system website at

Equal Education Opportunities

It is the policy of the Coffee County Board of Education not to discriminate on the basis of sex, age, race, disability, religion, or national origin in the educational programs and activities of/or admissions to facilities operated by the Board or in the employment practices of the Coffee County Board of Education Agency. 

Nondiscrimination Notice

As required by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, Coffee County School System does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability in admission to its programs, services, or activities, in access to them, in treatment of individuals, or in any aspect of their operations. For additional information or referral to the appropriate system coordinator, contact the Coffee County School System central office at 912-384-2086.

Cell Phones/Electronic Devices

The district acknowledges that students have cell phones; however, students’ cell phones and electronic devices should remain off and secured appropriately (in locker, purse, pocket, book bag, etc) unless directed to be used by the teacher under his/her supervision for instructional purposes. Cell phones/devices are subject to confiscation at the discretion of administration and may be held for up to 10 days until a parent or guardian picks it up.  The school system is not responsible for and will not investigate the loss, theft of, or damage to any personal electronic device.

Yondr Pouches

At Coffee Middle School, George Washington Carver Freshman Campus, and possibly other campuses, students will secure their cell phones and smartwatches (wearable phones) in Yondr pouches for the entire school day. Upon entering the building, students will place their devices in their assigned pouches and lock them. Students will unlock their pouches and retrieve their devices when they leave the building.


For students, delivery of flowers, balloons, stuffed animal toys, etc., is not permitted.  Office staff members are instructed to inform the delivering party that the items are not to be left at the office. Such items create confusion in the classroom and can very well hinder the educational process.  Items such as helium filled balloons can also create a dangerous situation on the bus. 

Student Dress Code

DRESS CODE APPLIES TO ALL STUDENTS at schools and school activities. In order to maintain an appropriate  climate for learning, the following   dress code   has been established   for Coffee County  School System.  The administration  reserves  the right to add and delete to the present dress code as deemed necessary to maintain appropriate and modest dress.  Clothing should be appropriate for the occasion, in good taste, and in good condition. While the administration recognizes the individuality of each student and does not wish to stifle individual taste, we must always remember our primary mission is to educate, not provide a forum for the latest fads.  Clothing and/or adornment that attracts undue attention and detracts from the academic climate of the classroom cannot and will not be allowed.  Students should remain in dress code as long as he/she is on campus.   Good hygiene and grooming habits are expected.  Decency is the key to proper school dress.  Appropriate dress promotes a more serious school atmosphere which emphasizes academics and promotes good behavior.  Therefore, Coffee County School System is dedicated to teaching students the importance of a respectable appearance which is a lesson that can positively impact their self-respect, self-esteem, and life experiences.

Guidelines for Dress Code:

  1. Proper undergarments should be worn at all times and should not be visible.
  2. Shirts must cover midriff completely when arms are raised or when sitting down. Shirts that show cleavage, midriff (front or back), off the shoulder, see through, or tied (front or back) are prohibited.  Any attire questionable is at administrative discretion.  Sleeveless tops must have enough material to cover the area from neck to shoulder. The neckline must cover between top of chest and collar bone.  Spaghetti straps & tank tops are not acceptable.
  3. Shorts, skirts, and dresses must not be shorter than the top of the knee in the front or the back.  (CMS, GWCFC, & CHS)
  4. Boys’ shirts must have sleeves.  Boys are not allowed to wear sleeveless shirts.
  5. A removable jacket, sweater, or vest, may be worn over another shirt as long as the shirt worn underneath meets dress code. 
  6. Pants must be worn at the natural waist and must cover midriff completely when arms are raised or when sitting down. They cannot be poorly fitted or oversized and baggy, so-as to allow sagging of the pants.  
  7. Pants, jeans, shorts, shirts, tights, leggings, etc. must be free from holes, frays, tears, cuts and graffiti.  Anything questionable is at administrative discretion. 
  8. Tights and leggings can be worn under dresses, skirts, and shirts that cover the hips and buttocks area.  The dresses, skirts, and shirts must be longer than fingertips with arms straight down against the body.
  9. Shoes must be worn at all times, tied securely, and firmly anchored to feet.  No shower shoes, spiked heels, bedroom shoes, shoes with wheels, or slippers allowed. 

Unacceptable for ALL Students:

  1. NO jerseys of any type except CHS team jerseys on game days
  2. Spandex or other excessively tight or snug fitting garments 
  3. Unbuckled overalls 
  4. Coveralls
  5. Headgear of any type; bandanas, headbands, sweatbands, picks, combs in the hair, etc
  6. Extreme color/hairstyles, make-up, etc., that distracts from the learning environment
  7. Terry cloth tops or bottoms
  8. NO sweat suits or sweat pants; (nylon wind suits are acceptable)
  9. See-through fabrics, unless the shirt worn underneath meets dress code
  10. Students wearing colors, clothing, or other paraphernalia aligning them with a gang or unacceptable group is not tolerated.
  11. NO sunglasses (this includes resting on top of head)
  12. Any accessory, item, or article of clothing advertising alcohol, tobacco, sex, gangs, guns, violence, drugs, or any item creating a hostile or disruptive environment
  13. Pajamas or pajama-like clothing
  14. Dog or spike accessories
  15. Chains hanging from pockets
  16. No hood, hat, or rag of any kind may be worn in the buildings or on buses. This includes wearing a hood from a hooded jacket.  
  17. NO trench coats allowed on campus. 
  18. Any jewelry or attire that is distracting to learning environment

Consequences of Dress Code Violations

  • Change to appropriate dress code: Warning issued and documented
  • Change to appropriate dress code: 1 day ISSP 
  • Change to appropriate dress code: 2 days ISSP
  • Progressive discipline will apply for additional offenses.

Administrative discretion applies to dress code violations.  (If shirts are available in administrator’s office, student will be given a shirt instead of calling home for a new one.)

Final approval of any questionable dress and enforcement of this dress code is at the discretion of the school administration. 


School Entrance Requirements:

Students must be age five (5) years of age by September 1 to enter kindergarten.  It is requested that a child entering Coffee County Schools provide an immunization certificate, Eye, Ear and Dental Screening, proof of age and proof of residence. 

  • Immunization Records - Immunization certificates (Form 3231) are required for all students entering the Coffee County School System from Pre-Kindergarten through 12th grade.  All student certificates with a date of expiration must have a current (Form 3231) within 30 days after the date of expiration pursuant to Code# OCGA 20-2-771.  
  • Sixth grade students must have a current certificate before entering school.
  • Eye, Ear, and Dental Certificate (Form 3300) - All students from Pre-Kindergarten through 12th grade entering the Coffee County School System are required to have an Eye, Ear, and Dental Certificate.
  • Proof of Age – Certified birth certificate is required.
  • Proof of Residence – A copy of a bill for a service provided at the residence or a rent or mortgage payment receipt with the address at the residence location should be provided at the time of registration.

Withdrawal from School and Return of Materials:

Withdrawal forms must be obtained by the parent or custodial person.  It is the student's responsibility to return all books and materials to the teachers, and it is recommended that students moving/transferring to another school or dropping out take their withdrawal form around on the last full day of attendance to have the current grades recorded.  All textbooks/materials assigned to the student must be returned at this time.  The student must also have the bookkeeper, attendance clerk and media center specialist sign the form, “clearing the student of all outstanding books and fines.  Lockers and parking spaces will be forfeited at this time.

Virtual Learning Enrollment Options

Students in grades 3-12 of the Coffee County School System have several virtual learning opportunities. Students who enroll in full-time virtual learning through the Georgia Department of Education (GaDOE) Clearinghouse will no longer be enrolled in the Coffee County School System.

Grades 3rd-8th virtual learning options can be found at this website:

Grades 9th-12th virtual learning options are: 

GWC Freshman Campus and Coffee High enrollment website:

Wiregrass Regional College & Career Academy enrollment website: (On their website, click on “virtual school”; click on “apply today”)

Parents and students can search the Georgia Department of Education’s online clearinghouse website for availability of online courses, online course providers, and guidelines for what constitutes high quality online courses by following the steps shown on that website.        

Please contact a school counselor if you or your student have questions about online learning opportunities. We look forward to assisting students in taking advantage of these new instructional options.